37. Holiday lights, semi-private flights OR Chemo Round 2 days 11-21....

When Dr R brought down the proverbial hammer telling me I needed to go on “voice rest” and stop teaching for a few days, I took her seriously. As I stated before there is one thing I don’t fuck around with, it’s following doctors orders, specifically when it come to my vocal cords.

So staring down three days of total silence but otherwise feeling physically fine, and a husband who had left for The Whistler Film Festival, what is a girl to do?

I’ll tell you, a LOT of things, cause like I said physically I felt FINE.

DAY 11: Have been on my “no talking” diet since day nine. House is extra clean and I am now addicted to The Great British Bakeoff. Have also watched Netflix’s The Princess Switch twice, and can feel my IQ points slipping away. Voice is better but fully not there.

DAY 12 : Go back and teach a singular class, because I mean I’m going a little stir crazy. Have “mask resonance” for the first time in a week and and am celebrating it. Ongoing cleaning/ purge has any number of things ready for trip to donation center.

DAY 13 : Voice is better and still not talking. Have now watched both Christmas Prince Movies on Netflix, and have packed to go to my Niece’s 2nd birthday. Replete with tons of Wet Wipes and Antibacterial hand soap for the trip, I am a little tired but it maybe because I stayed up til 3 am because, did I mention Netflix Xmas movies?

DAY 14: If you have to travel with a potentially weaker immune system, travel Southwest from Burbank to Las Vegas at 9 am on a Sunday, as it’s virtually a private flight. Voice abut 85% . Niece’s birthday a success. Very little crying, very much cake.

Marlene’s like “Hey dudes! Are you singing for me?” #ThisIs2

Marlene’s like “Hey dudes! Are you singing for me?” #ThisIs2

DAY 15: Still watching voice, still mucus, still Neti Potting like a champ, thanks to a whole new set of saline mix. Get to see the Glittering Lights at Las Vegas Speedway, which features an animated kangaroo, gunplay and an Edward Hopper-esque tableau of Santa siting in a cafe late at night.

DAY 16: Vegas is dry, my brother’s house seems hot, although it might be these weird hot flashes I’ve been having. I realize I have become my father as I like to keep my house a brisk 65-68 degrees. Or maybe it’s because I like to wear sweaters when I can, as it is almost Christmas. We try Jet Suite X for the flight home, which is closest thing I’ve ever gotten to a private plane and is legit the fastest I’ve ever gone from Vegas to my front door. (A 2.5 hour round trip anyone?)

DAY 17: Am back teaching my normal schedule, and end up subbing because there’s a bad flu going around the gym, so I am literally wiping EVERYTHING in SIGHT, including myself, over and over again. Voice still better, but rain has started so it’s a little bit of sniffles.. Oh god, maybe I did have a virus after all?

DAY 18 - 21: Still feeling fine because immune system is on the rise. Take new acting HEADSHOTS, move a bunch of furniture into a box truck and out of storage to Palm Springs. Basically almost living my “old normal.” Am properly physically tired from manual labor, oh and yeah the steroids have started so come tomorrow the cycle starts ALL OVER AGAIN.

So that’s it, although if there’s one thing I’ve learned in this last go round, it is that I have no idea what to expect next.