19. THE CASE FOR SEPARATE BEDROOMS, THE CANCER EDITION Collin FriesenJanuary 13, 2020remissionrelationships, BreastCancerSpouse, #fightingoverthermostat
18. THE THINGS WE THINK WE KNOW...OR PULLING A CHARLIE BROWN Collin FriesenAugust 22, 2019#breastcancer #marriage, #reconstruction, #caregiver
17. WE SHOULD BE "CANCER FREE", SO WHERE THE HELL DO WE PARK THE ANXIETY BUS NOW? Collin FriesenJune 11, 2019#breastcancer #marriage, #theafter
16. So bout this "Immaculate Conception" Thing.... Collin FriesenMay 21, 2019#breastcancer #marriage, #falsepositive, #affair, #immaculateconception
15. The E is for Empathy, and also for Empty... Collin FriesenMay 9, 2019#breastcancer #marriage, #empathy, #emotionallyempty
14. You're Never Alone with a Schizophrenic ...or just when I thought chemo would be the roughest part... Collin FriesenApril 19, 2019chemobrain, #caregiver, #breastcancer, #breastcancer #marriage
13. Destroying sheds...or when obvious metaphors become ironic. Collin FriesenFebruary 19, 2019cancer husband, breast cancer, cancercaregiver
11. How to shave your wife's head Collin FriesenNovember 20, 2018baldwomen, cancer, wifeswithcancer, headshaving
8. Watching dudes get to second base with your wife, and how to not get weird about it. Collin FriesenOctober 2, 2018breast cancer, partners of breast cancer, breast reconstruction
2. Men are allowed in this "post -op informational class," but I'm not sure I'm wanted Collin FriesenAugust 14, 2018